Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mission Successful

The path to cheerfulness is to sit cheerfully and to act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there.
-James William
 After 60 days of tough labour finally our mission got successful. The overall cooperation of my team and my colleague San helpeed us a alot to achieve our target. We introduced about 1000 earthworms in the very preliminary step pf our practice and today we found more than 10,000 earthworms of different sizes. We also found many cocoons of earthworms. Although only studied about the cocoons in the books but today we encountered with them live. It was amazing. The earthworms removed were introduced in another pit prepared next to the lab of the Biological Sciences.
Removal of compost
Wilson with compost
Earthworms in compost
Earthworm's cocoons
Earthworm emerging from cocoon
Earthworms in compost
Well The Party Is Not Over
After working for about two months...still we don't have time to rest as we have prepared another pit so that we can introduce the earthworms in it and our practice may improve day by day.

Dear Friends your comments and suggestions are welcomed!

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